Level-up Your Staff

Explore our expert-developed trainings. Utilizing decades of experience in school safety, security and violence prevention,
we’ve set out to enhance safety practices nationwide.

60 mins
Lessons Learned from a Failed Threat Assessment

Examine a case where a student made a threat, was assessed as low-risk, but later carried out a school shooting. It reviews the school's response and explores potential improvements.

60 mins
Warning Signs: Identifying School Shooters Before They Strike

Learn directly from the author of "Warning Signs: Identifying School Shooters Before They Strike" to identify leakage and warning signs before a threat materializes.

60 mins
Warning Signs: Homework Assignments

Attendees are given examples of student writings and discuss their reactions, including what steps they would take to respond to a potential risk. Presented by the author of "Warning Signs."

60 mins
The Writings of School Shooters: Motivations, Justifications & Themes

This presentation examines school shooters' motivations, focusing on their flawed self-perception and desire for power, challenging the notion that school shootings are solely driven by retaliation.

60 mins
Jared Loughner and James Holmes: Former Students Who Committed Non-School Attacks

Learn from the cases of perpetrators of mass violence who exhibited warning signs at school before committing acts of violence elsewhere.

60 mins
School Shooters in Higher Education

This presentation examines college and university shooters, differentiating random and targeted attacks, exploring psychological types, and identifying life factors contributing to violence.

60 mins
Lessons Learned from a Failed Threat Assessment

Examine a case where a student made a threat, was assessed as low-risk, but later carried out a school shooting. It reviews the school's response and explores potential improvements.

60 mins
Pathways to Violence: The Psychological Typology

Gain insights into the psychological profiles of school shooters by exploring the three primary types.

60 mins
Emergency Planning and Preparedness for School Administrators

Gain best-practice guidance in developing school community-wide emergency planning.

120 mins
School Safety 101

In this long-form training (2 hours) Jessica gives school leadership a foundational knowledge of the most current safety practices, leveraging your staff to establish a culture of safety.

60 mins
Grant Readiness: Proven Steps for Getting Approved

Jessica Cirulli, with over a decade of experience in school grants, shares proven strategies for securing funding.

60 mins
Maximize Grant Funding: Navigating the School Security Industry

Learn from school safety expert Jessica Cirulli how to strategically allocate you safety and security funding.