All Expert Insights

Dr. Peter Langman

Suicide Prevention

Dr. Langman identifies suicidal characteristics and solutions to prevent these behaviors.

Dr. Peter Langman

The Typology of School Shooters

Dr. Langman writes about recognizing different types of shooters and provides insight into their dynamics.

Dr. Peter Langman

Effective Communication for School Safety: 3 Ways to Increase Prevention and Reporting of Safety Concerns

An overview of improving communication through tip-lines and understanding state and federal laws.

Dr. Peter Langman

Warning Signs: Leakage and Threats

Warning signs of school attacks, including leakage and threats, are often overlooked, highlighting the need for education and well-trained threat assessment teams.

Dr. Peter Langman

Warning Signs: Attack-Related Behavior

Attack-related behavior, such as planning, obtaining weapons, and creating hit lists, increases the level of concern for violence risk.