Why Safety Equity

...because all schools deserve comprehensive safety and security tools, regardless of their size, community, or funding.

Noam Chomsky once said, “Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below.”

       Similarly, the pursuit of developing competent solutions to address the epidemic of violence at schools sometimes isn’t founded on the successes of past school security endeavors, but the shortfalls. Protecting a school from all hazards and threats is a multifaceted issue, one that we as a nation have been researching and analyzing for centuries. Schools across the country have been in dire need of a solution that combines the most expertly-structured emergency planning and incident response with the smartest all-encompassing security technology, without burdening their already tight budgets. As the 2000’s and 2010’s were marred by constant school shootings, the call for meaningful change grew louder. At the beginning of 2018, the Stonemason Douglas High shooting proved that there were still gaps in school safety and security. That same month, when Drift Net Securities was in its genesis, we knew that the only way we could instigate change would be by making competent school security solutions as available as possible to any and all schools in the country. This would mean we had to make our security tech as functional and affordable as possible. We embraced this idea to be our founding principle and with respect to its essence, along with our motivations as a company, we call it Safety Equity.

"Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below." - Noam Chomsky

       Of course, we knew initially we wouldn’t be able to develop and innovate better security technology for schools if we were just giving it away for free, but there had to be something of value we could provide to all schools at no cost - enter Dr. Peter Langman. There is no person who has studied, collaborated with government agencies and fixated their focus on understanding school shooters more than Dr. Langman; he quite literally wrote the book on it (several, even). Our founders were able to establish a relationship with Dr. Langman after he found our tech to be the most comprehensive school security system available. Because of the graciousness of Dr. Langman and our shared passion for progressing school safety, the first iteration of Safety Equity came in the form of training led by Dr. Langman being offered to all schools, free of charge. The positive response from our efforts propelled us to seek out further Safety Equity solutions and draw like-minded talent into the Drift Net fold. Our founders were then introduced to Jessica Cirulli, the co-founder of Our Kids Deserve It (OKDi), a school safety nonprofit that was well-versed in emergency planning and incident response, as well as finding competent safety solutions for schools. The convergence of foundational safety preparedness and planning with Drift Net’s innovative school security technology would come in the form of our Safety Equity ProgramKnowWhat Total Safety Toolkit - an all hazards approach to facilitating a school’s safety planning, preparedness and response - offered to schools at no cost.

       Even though there is much more progress to be made in the school security landscape, we at Drift Net Securities are confident in the improvements we are making every day through our endeavors. While the scope of our safety solutions is constantly expanding to progressively fill the needs of schools, we continue to apply the essence of Safety Equity in everything we do.

Jacob Lasswell has been writing for Drift Net for over three years, bringing much-needed exposure to the reality of mass violence in the United States. Engaging with the nation’s security and violence prevention thought-leaders, Jacob brings the perspectives of the victims and onlookers of mass violence to the forefront, with an emphasis of finding solutions.