Expert Insights

Informative documents from our Experts.
The Crucial Role of Parent Notification in School Emergencies
Dr. Beth Sanborn

Parent notification is not just about keeping parents in the loop; it’s also about providing them with the information they need to make appropriate decisions.

SROs: Building Relationships Through Emotional Neutrality
Dr. Beth Sanborn

School resource officers (SROs) can build relationships and establish trust within their school communities by maintaining emotional neutrality. This means being objective, empathetic, open-minded, non-judgmental, professional, and consistent in their interactions with students.

The Typology of School Shooters
Dr. Peter Langman

Recognizing the different types of shooters provides insight into their dynamics. In addition, the typology can assist in threat assessment as well as in designing effective interventions because students in each category will benefit from different services.

Communication During A Crisis
James Dunleavy

This document written by Critical Response expert James Dunleavy describes the importance of effective communication during a crisis, as it is crucial for decision-making. He discusses different types of communication, such as direct communication, two-way communication and "No Comms" situations.

Warning Signs: Attack-Related Behavior
Dr. Peter Langman

Attack-related behavior, such as planning, obtaining weapons, and creating hit lists, increases the level of concern for violence risk. Evidence of imminence, like specific details, is crucial for threat assessment.

Access Control: Define Your Perimeter
James Dunleavy

Access control is crucial to maintaining safety and security on school campuses. A comprehensive policy involves clear signage, a monitored main entrance, and a visitor management process. Proper implementation can help prevent unwanted individuals from entering the campus and ensure that everyone in the school community is aware of the safety expectations.

Warning Signs: Leakage and Threats
Dr. Peter Langman

Warning signs of school attacks, including leakage and threats, are often overlooked, highlighting the need for education and well-trained threat assessment teams.

Effective Communication for School Safety: 3 Ways to Increase Prevention and Reporting of Safety Concerns
Dr. Peter Langman

Dr. Langman explains how schools can enhance safety by improving communication regarding safety concerns through anonymous tip-lines, understanding FERPA, and knowing state laws regarding threats and crimes.

Suicide Prevention
Dr. Peter Langman

Dr. Langman identifies suicidal characteristics and solutions to prevent these behaviors.
